Monday, March 7, 2011

Polling confirms what we have known all along: "there is something rotten at County Hall."

New Polling data from the Miami Herald confirms what we have known all along: as far as voters are concerned, there is something rotten at County Hall.

"In a community often fractured by ethnic and political differences, Miami-Dade voters across the board heartily agree on one thing: County Hall politicians are doing a lousy job.

"Whether black, Hispanic or non-Hispanic white; Republican, Democrat or independent, a majority of voters gives low marks to the 13-member county commission and the mayor, according to a new poll.

"Sixty-four percent of those interviewed think the county commission is doing a “poor’’ or “mediocre’’ job, and only 24 percent said the panel, which oversees the sprawling regional government and sets its $7.3 billion budget, is doing a “good’’ or “excellent’’ job.

"That’s better than the 78-percent negative rating County Mayor Carlos Alvarez —who faces a recall election — received, but hardly an encouraging sign for the commission, which has long drawn negative views from the electorate."

With one scandal after another coming to public light, the people are tired of business as usual in Miami-Dade County government.

On March 15th, voters will express their deep disgust with the Mayor and the direction he and County Manager Burgess have take our government in.

But it will not stop on Wednesday the 16th.